Linken Sphere Browser Review
Linken Sphere offers a wide range of customisations and integrations, allowing you to tailor the browser to suit your every need.
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Linken Sphere is an anti-deact browser based on the Chromium engine, ideal for tasks that require high anonymity and work with multiple profiles, such as Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, Google Ads, Yandex.Direct, message boards (Avito, OLX), bonus-hunting services (Globus, Cashback-ru) and much more.
One of the key features of the browser is that it is not tied to a specific hardware, which allows you to use it on different computers without restrictions.
With Linken Sphere, you can work in multi-threaded tabs, controlling real Chrome windows, which significantly increases the convenience and efficiency of work. The intuitive interface and ease of customization make this browser accessible to users of all skill levels, allowing you to get started quickly without additional complexity.
Linken Sphere offers a wide range of customizations and integrations that allow you to tailor the browser to your every need. Whether you work with a large number of profiles or need to automate processes, this product is ideal for any task.
Recommended proxies for Linken Sphere browser
By using trusted proxy services, you guarantee yourself a stable and secure connection in Linken Sphere browser. Remember:
- Don’t skimp on proxies – your security and anonymity depends on the quality of the proxy.
- Before buying a proxy, read reviews of other users.
- Test different proxies to find the one that best suits your needs.
Recommended proxies for Linken Sphere (full list of proxy providers):
PROXYS offers anonymous, individual and private proxies worldwide (88 countries). Price from 1.47 USD 30 days / per unit. Individual IPv6 proxies cost from 13 cents. | ||
Dynamic mobile, residential, and datacenter proxies. Geolocation targeting by country, city and provider or ASN. Balance replenishment in fiat and cryptocurrency, API and OpenVPN compatibility, SOCKS5 and HTTP(S), traffic packages from 100 MB at low price from $0.37. Up to 50 TCP connections per port are supported simultaneously. | ||
Fair Pricing: pay only for the traffic they actually utilize. Offers 50M+ IPs, rotating residential and mobile proxies (5G/4G/3G/LTE), HTTP/SOCKS/UDP support, and geo-targeting. Ideal for SEO, e-commerce, social media, and web scraping. |
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